Scenes from the day 24/31 #SOL2023

Scene 1: In a high school English Office, five teachers gather chatting and eating their bagged lunches.

“My son came home last night and was telling me all the things he’s good at.”

Director’s note: In this cramped, small office, teachers regularly gather and share stories of family life. Neil, the new colleague who had been teaching in Korea for years, recently came back to Canada. In this moment, he shares a story about his sixteen year old son.

“He said he is a really good listener. He thinks he could be a party host, but he would like to do it because he doesn’t like parties, but he’d be good at it anyway.”

Director’s note: The teachers laugh and smile.

“He also said that he’s really good at resolving disputes. And then said, ‘oh, and I should probably tell you that I nearly got in a fight today at school’ before he tried walking away.”

Director’s note: The teachers laugh lounder. One teacher is curious and asks for more information.

“So, what did you say to your son?”

“I listened and told him ‘that’s great!'”

“Pile on the praise! Give him lots, because the world will look after the creation of self doubt.”

Director’s note: A hum of acknowledgement followed and a few heads nodded.

Scene 2: A group of grade 9 students assess themselves on a rubric for a personal essay or memoir. The teacher moves around the room, desks in groups of four.

“Why did you give yourself this grade on the self-assessment of your writing?”

“Cause that’s what I always get in other classes.”

“But, you’re growing and learning all the time, so this is probably better, right?”

Director’s note: The student shrugs, and looks down at his desk full of doubt. Praise carried the teacher from lunch through the rest of the day.

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